Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Four more months of High School!!

Wow!! I am SO Excited about graduation, today I finished another subject and finished applying at Centenary, which is the college I really want to get into. I am so close I can feel it.....the excitement is really getting to me. And I am getting ready to sew my dress for homecoming, and no,...still no date, but working on it. But the excitement of running for Queen is really getting to me as well. I just am very excited right now. but i really need to go, got lots to do....

Monday, January 14, 2008

Lets See......

Well I submitted part of my college application tonight, I am kinda nervous about it though. I really want to get into this college. But I still have an essay to write for it though... I also have homecoming in a week and a half, no date, no dress, no shoes....BIG PROBLEM!! But I have faith, faith that I will get a date, finish my dress, and get some shoes...and hopefully win homecoming queen. so like I said...We will see....

Just Another Manic Monday!!!

You know that song that says..."Its Just another Manic Monday..." Well today was my manic monday. I was supposed to be at work this morning at six in the morning. So i got myself up at 5:30 this morning and put myself together, and was there at 5:50. I walked to the door and rang the doorbell, I know a doorbell at a Department Store, but I rang and no one answered. I waited at the door for a couple minutes the waited in my car for another half hour, after that I decided to go home. So when I get home I decided to call, and it just figures that they were there. So I had to get back in my car and go back to work. I was already aggrivated and to top it off... I spilt water on my pants, and it looked like I wet myself so I had to put my jacket around my waist because I was not gonna walk around with a wet butt!! So that was my day, just not very good, I also have a hurt foot so that was on all top of that. So what a day it was and now the day is over, and I am now gonna relax and chill.