Monday, March 31, 2008


Here we are.... Chris and I. This is down by the Red River. Its so pretty down there. We don't match in this picture ( cuz I didnt tell him he was taking one ...LOL) Oops!! My Bad!! Oh well it turned out good anyway... I think we are kinda cute together.. but maybe that's just my opinion. I am happy and I think that's all that counts :)

Still A Kid

I just got my senior pictures back today. We went down by the riverfront to take them, and of course there is water. I am personally a big fan of water; love it, always have. So I played in it just like I did when I was still a kid. I have come to find that even though I am 18, I still like to do some kid things every now and then. It relievs stress when you get to play around a little. Anyway, it was a blast, I love going and playing in the water.


Wow! I found out tonight that my boyfriend will be leaving for Iraq ( or somewhere overseas) in just a few short weeks. He told me and when I got off the phone, I just sat and cried. I knew that the day would come when he told me that but I was hoping it would be alot later than sooner. I don't know how I am going to handle it, But this I do know that God is good and he wont give me anything I can't handle. So I am going to trust that He will give me the strength that I need. And aways be in prayer for the both of us. I know I will be always praying.

Even A Soldier Cries

There he stands without a sound
He serves his country with pride
Strong as a rock
Tough as a nail
He looks in the mirror, fixes his beret
Hugs his wife, and walks away
To the Sandbox he must go
And the world doesn't know
How he crys in the night
Sitting in the sand
Of that deserted land
Hidden from the world
Is his pain
Even a soldier cries
Everything is alright
We will be OK
I miss you more each day
Words he hears from the one he loves
Tears stream down from his face
Yes, Even a soldier cries
They fight for you and I
The give their lives
Freedom comes when a soldier cries
For his home he sees
The blessed U.S.A
The tear of a soldier
For the love of his country
Yes, Even a soldier cries

~~Katherine Ward

Friday, March 28, 2008

I cant help but to smile!!!

So lets see, remember how I talked to my dad and he said Chris had to talk to him again. Well he did, and now he and I are officially dating, which excites me to no end!!!! I think its going to be a really good thing!!!!! He is so good to me, and I try to be good to him. Sometimes though its hard but there is no easy relationship. But I am very excited about the whole thing.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Congrats to Me!!!

Yesterday I finished the bulk of my physics!!!! I was so excited. All I have left to do is finish one more paper and I am completely done with physics. So now I am down to 9 more paces till I graduate!!! YAY ME!!!!!

Letters From Home

I went to go see Chris today before he went to work, he had to work nights today, and when I got to his room to see if he wanted to go drive around he had his ipod playing. He put on the song, Letters From Home. I sat down and began to tear up. I told him that song makes me cry. I was thinking of how I knew he was going to be going overseas and that would be him holding up those letters from home. The mere idea of him leaving still gets to me. I should already be used to it, and I still have time to prepare myself for the day that he does leave. But the fact of the matter is that I don't want him to go over there, its dangerous and people die everyday over there. That makes me want to cry. So as I was holding my face, he sat next to me and held me and said that it would be alright, and he would come home.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


So I had a God moment this weekend too. I have been having struggles with giving everything to God and trusting that he will take care of everything. And I have been having some issues with that lately, So I was sitting outside my grandmas house praying and just in tears. And I as sat there praying Chris was in the room that I stay in watching tv and he turned it on and it was on some channel, which I dont know which one, and as I sat there crying, "Jesus Take The Wheel" by Carrie Underwood started playing and I just cried more. I thought Wow! What good timing.

What a weekend

Oh my goodness!!! The concert was so awesome!!!! I had a blast, my mom and I were jamin to Toby Mac. It was just so good. And I had a good time at my grandma's house, she makes such good food. I am thinking bout going up there for a week in the summer. It was just fun to get to spend Easter with my family in Dallas. Oh by the way... HAPPY EASTER!!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Excitement overwhelmes me!

I am just so excited lately! Tomorrow I am going to get my Easter Dress and on Friday we are going to Dallas to go to Six Flags!!! Thats so exciting to me

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Holy Crap!!

So its been one of those days where you just think everything is crazy. So it was the last day of our Stanford testing today and that was the last time I have to take it! YEAH!! But anyway, so the weather has been bad all day, it was real nice but then it got real nasty real fast. the wind picked up and then the rain came..... so the power at work kept going off (a grand total of 7 times) and each time it went out we had to get the people pout of the store. Let me tell you that got real old real fast. We wanted to close the store early but the manager wouldn't let us. Which was just totally crazy. We managed to get the store back up and running each time though. then I was walking around cleaning up, and I look out the window and I see a red mustang. I think to myself "that looks like Chris's mustang" then I looked again, "Holy Crap!, it is Chris" He circled the parking lot until I got off work. So I talked to them for a bit and he let me sit in the driver seat and start it! Thats pretty sweet. I was very happy that he came to see me. It always make me smile when he does sweet things like just show up wherever I happen to be, just to see me!! Well its late and I am tired. I will write again later!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Life is Good-Day 2

Well life is still very good. Chris finally got his car.. And oh my freakin goodness!!! its nice... its a 2000 convertable Red Mustang. It is fully laoded with a sound system and a bunch of cool stuff. That sad part is, his car is nicer than mine, and I am paying more for mine than he is paying for his. Mine is a 2002 Orange Ford Focus with a sound system, but his is nicer. I know, I admited it, but its true!!! Although last night I decided that when he leaves to go to Iraq, I am going to be an emotional basketcase!! Because he went to get his car and had to drive it back from Leisville. and I didnt know where he was, and was very worried. But I finally got ahold of one of his friends and found that he was ok. When he came to my house when he got back, believe me he got a piece of my mind cuz I was so worried about him!! About the car, I will have to take a picture of it and put it up. Its SO SWEET!!! I want it!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


In 7 weeks or so, I will finally be finished with school, at least high school that is. Its very exciting, and my parents told me I can finally date again when I am finished so that aslo very exciting. And I can get my ears pierced with my second whole after I finish..... Needless to say, I am very excited about graduation, not just because of all the things I can do when I finish but the fact that I have waited a long time to finally say I am done with high school and move on to college, which I hear is alot of fun.

Life is good

Well... its been a while I know but its been going really good lately for me. I am almost done with school, which is awesome! About a month and a half ago my parents met this guy at the base commissary while shopping and took him back to his room, he is in the Air Force, and invited him over for dinner. So the next day he comes over for lunch after church, we meet, and have been talking ever since. So far we are just friends. We are getting to know each other better. Well actually I don't want to date until after I graduate, which dad said was OK. New incentive to finish school!!!!! I got my braces off the other day which is very exciting for me, they look so good!!! But back to the guy, he is 18, only four months older than me. He is an Airman 1st class in the U.S.A.F. and really cute!!! Oh his name is Chris Farrar. I don't know whats gonna happen, I know what I want to happen but only God knows. I am just waiting on him to see what He does. But until then I am gonna get to know him better and be good friends.