"Make me blind that I might see, make me weak that I may praise you from my knees, let me hunger, let me thirst until your word is all I need. For when I am weak, I am stronger for it"
These word have been in my mind for quite a while. I first heard this song at church. I began to cry. It is so true. I love this song. Right now in my life I am going through a very big trial of faith and trust and everything in between, it is like God is teaching me something but I cant quite grasp it. Last night Chris and i got in a big fight, we pretty much broke up, but not really ( if that makes sense) I am very confused about alot of things. My faith is always been average, but now I feel like I must not have strong enough faith. But I am so crushed and all I want to do is cry until I can not cry any more. It was only last night and I miss him already. Yes there are some issues that need to be fixed on his end and mine. I am willing to work on those, but I am not sure if he is. He was so angry last night. I was too, but after I was I just cried. I didn't sleep, and I haven't really eaten to speak of. A little here and there, but that's it. I want to make this work but I just don't think I can. Please I need your prayers as I am going through this hard time in my life. Where I am learning that I am weak and I need to trust God with my everything. Because when I am weak, I am stronger for it.