Sunday, April 6, 2008


So I love my parents to death! And tonight Chris called me and asked to talk to my mom...he asked her if they could come get me to go eat dinner. She said yes, which surprised me, cuz I really thought she would say no. But anyway they came and picked me up, well Chris's dad called him. Which I have never seen him talk to his dad before. It was so sweet...his dad is in the Navy and was asking him about work and stuff like that. But when his dad asked what he was doing.. he said he was at a friends house, which I corrected him on (Then he told his dad that he was at his girlfriends house) He laughed at me because I looked at him and said, "A Friends house?" when he was about to hang up, his dad said, " Love you." Then Chris quickly responded, "Love you too." I looked at him and smiled, it was so sweet to me. He thought I was weird but thats ok (he still likes me!) I am glad that I have the parents I do and I am glad that Chris talks to his.

1 comment:

Empty Nester said...

I am amazed at how God uses you in my moments when I am overwhelemd and discoraged. After scanning through my blogs and discovering another negative comment on an older blog-I flip over to read yours and there you are with your sweet spirit. Thank you, for being willing to love us where we are, and for extending grace when we need it. Thank you for your submissive, obedient heart which seeks after God and things of God. We could all take lessons from you!