Thursday, July 24, 2008

Stronger For It

"Make me blind that I might see, make me weak that I may praise you from my knees, let me hunger, let me thirst until your word is all I need. For when I am weak, I am stronger for it"
These word have been in my mind for quite a while. I first heard this song at church. I began to cry. It is so true. I love this song. Right now in my life I am going through a very big trial of faith and trust and everything in between, it is like God is teaching me something but I cant quite grasp it. Last night Chris and i got in a big fight, we pretty much broke up, but not really ( if that makes sense) I am very confused about alot of things. My faith is always been average, but now I feel like I must not have strong enough faith. But I am so crushed and all I want to do is cry until I can not cry any more. It was only last night and I miss him already. Yes there are some issues that need to be fixed on his end and mine. I am willing to work on those, but I am not sure if he is. He was so angry last night. I was too, but after I was I just cried. I didn't sleep, and I haven't really eaten to speak of. A little here and there, but that's it. I want to make this work but I just don't think I can. Please I need your prayers as I am going through this hard time in my life. Where I am learning that I am weak and I need to trust God with my everything. Because when I am weak, I am stronger for it.

1 comment:

Empty Nester said...

When I am weak, that is when He is strong. Every lesson in life goes back to the simple foundation ones. As long as we are depending on ourselves, our resources, our emotions, our own wisdom-we are not depending on Christ. That is a lesson not learned in a day, but over a lifetime! Praying for you that God will indeed make Himself known to you and give you the courage to do what He shows you is right in His eyes.