Sunday, July 27, 2008

Total Brokenness

This past week has been so hard for me. I have not been able to focus on anything but Chris. As of today we have officially broken up. But we both agree that it is whats best for right now. We hope that in the future when we have both had time to grow up that we will get back together but for now we are friends and that is all. It has by far been one of the hardest things I have had to do. But I have faith that if this is the one that God has for me He will bring us back together. My prayer now is that God works in both our lives as we go one to live each day. That he will show us His plan for our lives and help us both to grow closer to him. So keep us both in your prayers. I know I have to remember that his plan is way better than mine, and it will be worth whateve he gives me.


Empty Nester said...

Brokeness is exactly where God wants us to be. When we can't, He can. When we don't know, He does know. When we are weak, He is our strength.

Amanda said...

Oh Kat, I hate to see you going through something so painful. I have been there and it feels like the world just falls in on you. I will keep you in my prayers. I know that we know the right answers and you do but it does not always feel so good. Keep your chin up and cling to the one that that loves you most, your heavenly Father. Amanda