Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Not so good....

So yesterday was good, today, not so muchy. I started off almost late to work, only cuz I had to be there at 6am. Then I had a job interview at two...I got off at 1. My boss wanted to keep me later but I told him I really needed to leave on time, I left a little later than i wanted but thats ok, I got pulled over for the 4th time on my way to my interview :( thankfully i didn't get another ticket, I did my interview, which went well and got some cookies from Todd :) Then on my way home some guy almost rear ended me because traffic came to a dead halt. Oh while I was on base, I dropped my phone on the concrete and broke one of my buttons off and had to put it back on, good thing i have insurance on that thing! So today was just not my day. I am glad its almost over. Maybe tomorrow wont be so bad LOL

1 comment:

Empty Nester said...

Were you having a Monday in the middle of the week??? :) Love ya dear! Actually, if you think of all that could have happened...could have gotten another ticket, phone could have broken completely, could have been in a traffic accident...it was really a day about grace and protection! God took care of you and provided for you!