Monday, June 30, 2008

Fun Stuff

Well on Saturday I got to use all of dad's cool tools he has! I helped my dad put up some of the siding on our shed. He let me use the table saw and the nail gun! It was so much fun.

I'm leaving on a jetplane, dont know when I will be back again.......

Ok, well I am not exactly leaving on a jetplane and I do know when I will be back. I am going on a bus, I will be back on Saturday. I leave today for my last year of church camp. Its exciting and kinda sad. I cant go back as a camper because I will be to old. Its always hard for me to pack for long trips because I want to take like everything because you just never know whats going to happen. I could get real gross and want to change clothes or maybe someone might need an outfit, so like I said you just never know. But I tried to downsize, a little. I dont know how succesful I will be, guess we will see.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Funny quote

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me. Fred Allen

I thought that this was funny!

A Blessing!

Money has been really tight for me the past couple days. After graduation I had all my graduation money and then my paychecks and my savings so I had alot of money when you added it all up. But then I would spend my paychecks and sometimes tap into my grad money for things. Well then I just began spending it without thinking about it. And my bank will not allow me to go below $200.00 at anytime in the month or they will charge me a fee. So it got t o where my hours kinda dropped and then the money quit coming in and all I had was my grad money so I spent that. Now I am struggling trying to keep the amount needed in my account so I told everyone that I had no more money to spend. Well I am going to church camp on Monday and I still need some things and money to take with me. I didn't know how I was going to do it.

Well last night at church i got stopped by one of the ladies that we know. she handed me a card and I said thank you. I opened it when I got home and I just couldn't believe it. There in front of me was $25.00. I just said thanks God! Today I got another card in the mail from someone else and I opened it and out fell a check for $20.00! I was so excited! I thought wow now I can get what I need for camp and still be able to take money with me!

It was such a blessing to see God provide my need when it was needed!


This past week I have just been so tired all the time. I haven't been able to sleep through the night and I have been hurting alot lately, probably because of all the exercising I have been doing with the house work and all. I had to be at work at 6 in the morning the past couple of days which meant that I had not been able to sleep and then be up at 5 or 5:30 to get ready for work. But today I don't have to be there until 2 this afternoon which was really good. Chris brought me home from church last night and the first thing I did was go to my room and get ready for bed. I was sooo tired I went to sleep at 9:15 and slept solid till about 6:30 this morning. But I didn't get out of the bed till like 8:30. LOL, I just didn't want to get up. I like being in my bed. I feel much better now that I got some sleep. I will be more happy about actually doing things today. I also took my shot and when it kicks in I will be even more better!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Saying No

So people tell me all the time that I am just like my mom, well I don't always think I am but in alot of ways I actually am. we both have this habit of not being able to tell people no when they ask things of us. So mom keeps telling me that I need to learn to say no. But you see me biggest problem is that I hate to make people mad at me or just mad in general. So all of my life I have just let people walk all over me. But its so hard to tell people no, because I always want to help people and I enjoy spending my time and money on other people more than I do on myself. Mom says its my servants heart. But sometimes I do need to just say no. I am constantly learning that everyday. So keep me and my mom in your prayers as we learn this very difficult thing.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Other quotes

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me". Erma Bombeck

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. Albert Camus

Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith. Henry Ward Beecher

Life is short....

"Life is a long lesson in humility" ~James M. Barrie

Isn't that true! You know we people think we got it all figured out. Well we don't. I am one of those people that plan everything out, cross my "t's" and dot my "i's". I plan almost everyday out to the time I go to bed at night. But here lately, I haven't had much luck with that. It seems like I plan my day then something happens like either I don't feel good that day or someone needs me to do something else, or a cat might need me to try to save it. But whatever it is it always shoots my plans down. But I am learning that its OK. Maybe God is trying to teach me something. What I am trying to say is that just when we think we got it all right we are humbled in some way, shape or another. That is God telling us that we should always be humble and not proud. "Pride cometh before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall"

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Growing up

Yesterday I learned a very important lesson. I learned that growing up and taking responsibility for things is not all its cracked up to be. I was at work when they found this stray cat under a girls car, well it so happens that the girl was terrified of cats so she came into the building looking for help. My managers went out there to help her. They brought the kitten up to door of the store and just left him in the corner. They tried to call animal control but they wouldn't come on a Saturday evening. someone had come back to where I was and asked if I saw the cat. Now I was thinking a cat with a broken leg, how sad. I go out there and it is a little tiny kitten. i was in shock so I went in and asked Linda ( my manager) what she was going to do. She was going t o leave it there and die. Now Linda is not a mean person but she just couldn't take it home and there was nothing else that she thought she could do. Sandra (other manager) couldn't take it home either. So I sat out there with this poor kitten for a little bit and decided I was gonna take it to my house.

I knew that mom and dad would not be very happy but I just couldn't let it sit there and die I had to try to save it. I tried to call and tell them about the cat but they did not answer the phone so I went and found a box and put the cat in it and got in my car and went home. Dad was not very happy but he was OK. I began to explain how I found a cat and why I brought it home and she said that they would watch it and we would take it to the vet on Monday. Well they decided to call around and she text me and Chris while we were at work and told us they were going to take him in.

So mom tried to call me and tell me what was wrong and I could not answer the phone at that moment so I went to the bathroom and called her back and she began to tell me what was wrong. I didnt know what to do. I didnt have the money and neither did Chris. So I called him and bitting back my tears I asked him what to do. We talked about it for a while and we decided that we wanted to keep this kitten and that we would save it. We would pay my parents back over a period of time and still be able to have our new kitten. So he called mom and said to go ahead with the surgery to fix him. They left him at the vet. Gave them our phone numbers and came home.

Chris and I talked about how we were going to take care of him and get him to his appointments and all that kind of stuff. Then I went to bed and at one o'clock my phone rang. It was the vet. She told me that there was not a way to really help him and to keep him form suffering. I wanted to cry so hard. She said that the best thing to do was to put him to sleep. I hung up with her and called Chris and told him and we talked about it and I talked to mom and we decided that it was the best thing. So Midnight was put to sleep last night. I just layed in my bed and cried. I never knew that making decision was so hard to do.

I learned alot. I learned how to make decisions based on what Chris and I wanted not just me but as a couple. It was very hard to make that decision but it was the best thing for the cat. Chris named him Midnight. today we will bury him in the back yard. It wont be very easy but we will make it through.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Ever since the flood I have had some stomach problems, and so I finally was just so sick I went to the doctor yesterday. They couldn't find anything wrong with me but he did give me some medicine to clean out my intestinal tracts and he put me a diet (the B.R.A.T diet). Its not very appetizing but it is supposed to clean out my system and make me feel better. So we will see.....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Romantc myself

We went to the beach at night and it was so pretty, but I was all bymyself, my parents had each other and my aunt and I had each other!


The trip was tons of fun but toward the end I was getting very homesick. I wanted my own bed and of course, I missed Chris like you would not believe. We spent countless hours in the jeep, it felt like as soon as we got out, we were getting right back in the jeep (Wait, we did!!) Spending time away from the hectic life we are living was very nice, away from work and from the chaos of life. Of course it would have been better if Chris was with me. But I am home and he is here now and I am so excited :) He came home last night from going to Texas with a friend and as soon as he came home he came and picked me up. We went on a real dinner date. Superior Steakhouse, one of the most expensive restaurants in our little town and also one of the nicest. It was my first time to ever get dressed up to go eat dinner. It was so romantic with the candle on the table, the beautiful design of the restaurant and just being there with the man that I love! I must say my family and friends we impressed that went there to eat. It was just so nice to be alone with him after a whole week away.

Friday, June 13, 2008


I havent had a real vacation in a while and we have been having a blast! My brother got married yesterday in Asheville, North Carolina. We left on Tuesday and drove to Kentucky and Wednesday we drove to North Carolina and got our hotel. The Hotel was right next door to a MALL!!!!!!!!!!! SWEET!!!!!! Of course we went shopping and just hung out then we went to the pool and swam around a bit then we had to get ready for the wedding. Its been very nice to just hang out and wtch tv and just pretty much do nothing. Right now I am in Jacksonville,Florida right now at my grandparents house. We are picking up a truck that they are giving us and then tomorrow we are going to Ft. Walton, Florida to my moms family and the Beach! I am having fun but I really miss Chris. :( But I will be home on Sunday and get to see him! :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

What a blessing

This past weekend Chris had to unexpectedly go home to be with his family, and in doing so he used almost all the money he had. I knew that he would not get paid again for another two weeks. Which ment he would have no food and no gas. My parents knew this too. So mom and I went to the grocery store and bought him some food (we were also buying us food!) Then he called while he was gone and asked if I could buy him minutes for his phone. Of course I did, I really knew that I couldn't afford to do it but I knew that it was the right thing to do. Well then he came home and his car needed work. This is where I was so completely awed at my parents. He told me what it was doing so I told my dad (who is a genious at cars) what Chris told me. Dad knew what was wrong and how to go about and get it fixed. So we took it to Firestone and dropped it off. Chris told mom that if they couldnt do it for free not to worry about, then she told him that it was not going to be free and she knew how much it would cost. He then in turn replied "I dont have that kinda money" She smiled and said, " I DO"

Well the car had other things wrong with it that we didnt know and my parents just had it fixed. Not expecting him to do anything in return. It just amazes me that they would just do it without any hesitation. Then he asked how much it cost, and I told him not to worry about it that it was a gift. It was not only a sacrifice and also a blessing for my parents but also for me. I cant say why but God knows and I was willing and so were my parents. I thank God that I have a family that is so giving, even though we dont always get along but when it comes to helping people, they never hesitate. That is an awesome blessing!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


I am very excited right now!! Chris and I have been official for about three months now and he hasn't told his parents about me.....until this weekend!! I was so excited!! he wanted me to go down to Mississippi to meet them and that's when he was going to tell them, but he did it the weekend while he was down there. I was so happy, now I cant wait to meet them!

Fun Stuff!!!

Well its been kinda fun tearing apart the house. This past weekend we got the first check from the insurance...So the demolition has begun!!!!! Chris was going to come help but due to his mom being in the hospital and an unscheduled trip to Mississippi, Taylor came over and help tear apart my parents bedroom. We had a ton of fun and moments that just plain hurt. Like when I couldn't get the crown molding off the ceiling and Taylor told me to put more muscle into it, so I did, but I missed the crowbar and hit my finger. That really hurt. We found the windows that were walled over in the room, amazingly enough, they were not gross. In the process of rebuilding and redoing parts of the house we, well mom is making me, are cleaning out things and downsizing. I have found so many things that I had forgotten I had through the years, and through all of the mess and chaos, things that I have forgotten come back and sometimes I just laugh. This has been a learning experience for all of us and each day shows us something else!