Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Blessing!

Money has been really tight for me the past couple days. After graduation I had all my graduation money and then my paychecks and my savings so I had alot of money when you added it all up. But then I would spend my paychecks and sometimes tap into my grad money for things. Well then I just began spending it without thinking about it. And my bank will not allow me to go below $200.00 at anytime in the month or they will charge me a fee. So it got t o where my hours kinda dropped and then the money quit coming in and all I had was my grad money so I spent that. Now I am struggling trying to keep the amount needed in my account so I told everyone that I had no more money to spend. Well I am going to church camp on Monday and I still need some things and money to take with me. I didn't know how I was going to do it.

Well last night at church i got stopped by one of the ladies that we know. she handed me a card and I said thank you. I opened it when I got home and I just couldn't believe it. There in front of me was $25.00. I just said thanks God! Today I got another card in the mail from someone else and I opened it and out fell a check for $20.00! I was so excited! I thought wow now I can get what I need for camp and still be able to take money with me!

It was such a blessing to see God provide my need when it was needed!

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