Well its been kinda fun tearing apart the house. This past weekend we got the first check from the insurance...So the demolition has begun!!!!! Chris was going to come help but due to his mom being in the hospital and an unscheduled trip to Mississippi, Taylor came over and help tear apart my parents bedroom. We had a ton of fun and moments that just plain hurt. Like when I couldn't get the crown molding off the ceiling and Taylor told me to put more muscle into it, so I did, but I missed the crowbar and hit my finger. That really hurt. We found the windows that were walled over in the room, amazingly enough, they were not gross. In the process of rebuilding and redoing parts of the house we, well mom is making me, are cleaning out things and downsizing. I have found so many things that I had forgotten I had through the years, and through all of the mess and chaos, things that I have forgotten come back and sometimes I just laugh. This has been a learning experience for all of us and each day shows us something else!
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