Yesterday I learned a very important lesson. I learned that growing up and taking responsibility for things is not all its cracked up to be. I was at work when they found this stray cat under a girls car, well it so happens that the girl was terrified of cats so she came into the building looking for help. My managers went out there to help her. They brought the kitten up to door of the store and just left him in the corner. They tried to call animal control but they wouldn't come on a Saturday evening. someone had come back to where I was and asked if I saw the cat. Now I was thinking a cat with a broken leg, how sad. I go out there and it is a little tiny kitten. i was in shock so I went in and asked Linda ( my manager) what she was going to do. She was going t o leave it there and die. Now Linda is not a mean person but she just couldn't take it home and there was nothing else that she thought she could do. Sandra (other manager) couldn't take it home either. So I sat out there with this poor kitten for a little bit and decided I was gonna take it to my house.
I knew that mom and dad would not be very happy but I just couldn't let it sit there and die I had to try to save it. I tried to call and tell them about the cat but they did not answer the phone so I went and found a box and put the cat in it and got in my car and went home. Dad was not very happy but he was OK. I began to explain how I found a cat and why I brought it home and she said that they would watch it and we would take it to the vet on Monday. Well they decided to call around and she text me and Chris while we were at work and told us they were going to take him in.
So mom tried to call me and tell me what was wrong and I could not answer the phone at that moment so I went to the bathroom and called her back and she began to tell me what was wrong. I didnt know what to do. I didnt have the money and neither did Chris. So I called him and bitting back my tears I asked him what to do. We talked about it for a while and we decided that we wanted to keep this kitten and that we would save it. We would pay my parents back over a period of time and still be able to have our new kitten. So he called mom and said to go ahead with the surgery to fix him. They left him at the vet. Gave them our phone numbers and came home.
Chris and I talked about how we were going to take care of him and get him to his appointments and all that kind of stuff. Then I went to bed and at one o'clock my phone rang. It was the vet. She told me that there was not a way to really help him and to keep him form suffering. I wanted to cry so hard. She said that the best thing to do was to put him to sleep. I hung up with her and called Chris and told him and we talked about it and I talked to mom and we decided that it was the best thing. So Midnight was put to sleep last night. I just layed in my bed and cried. I never knew that making decision was so hard to do.
I learned alot. I learned how to make decisions based on what Chris and I wanted not just me but as a couple. It was very hard to make that decision but it was the best thing for the cat. Chris named him Midnight. today we will bury him in the back yard. It wont be very easy but we will make it through.
17 months Down
It has been right at 17 months since we quickly that
went by and to think, I thought that we would be done in a year. That
didn't hap...
15 years ago
1 comment:
It wasn't easy being the grown up in that situation either, but we learn by living. We are proud of you both for being adult enough to talk the situation through, make a decision, and follow through with the responsibility. Love you babe!
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