Sunday, November 9, 2008

Strong cookie???

I have always told people that I was a strong cookie....I thought I was tough and able to handle anything that was thrown my way. Well these days I am not so tough. This cookie is crumbling. It has been very hard dealing with the arthritis and the back pain and all the other stuff in my life. I am trying to trust that God has a plan and he will work it out but it is harder than it seems, when you feel so bad all the time and I wonder why I have to go through this at this point in my life. Now that I don't think I am so tough anymore, I have people tell me "you will be ok, you are a tough cookie" I always smile and say I sure hope so. My prayer is that this can be fixed without surgery. I do know this, I am not alone. I have my family and Todd there with me, and most of all...I have God. I know that they will be there encouraging me.

1 comment:

Empty Nester said...

Wow...what can I really isn't our strength that gets us is God's in us. At least if it is ours that we rely on and trust in then, we get the glory and a little too full of ourselves...but if it is God...then He gets the glory. You have yet to imaging all He has in store for you! It is going to be amazing...tie a knot and hold in on the way! :)